Friday, April 29, 2016

Flashback Friday: HLCCA Conference 2005

We continue our countdown to Conference 2016 with a peek into the past! This year, let’s go back to Conference 2005 and “Get Lit in Pitt”! 
Conference 2005:
Welcome Back to Pittsburgh
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Hilton Pittsburgh)
Dates: July 14–17, 2005
• Pre-conference bus trip to East Liverpool for shopping (Thursday, optional)
• Welcoming mixer: “Get Lit in Pitt”
• 2 showings of “Dishes” documentary
• HLC plant tours and outlet shopping
• Riverboat dinner cruise (Friday night, optional)
• 4 seminars
• Show and Sale
• 4 judged exhibits
• Awards banquet and keynote speaker
• Post-banquet auction
• Annual meeting
• HLC Fiesta Art on Art Contest, Awards, and Auction

Judged Exhibits:

In Praise of Pumpkin—exhibited by Joan Stock
Comprehensive display of HLC OvenServe pieces in pumpkin glaze.
Kid’s Meal—exhibited by Dennis Erlston
HLC wares and advertising ephemera related to kids and breakfast.
Homer Says—exhibited by Joy Wray
An array of decaled HLC pieces that commemorated special events.
The Many Shapes of Clematis — exhibited by Jerry Lefever
The popular clematis decal found on many different HLC shapes and pieces. 
“The HLC Company” — Judy Noble and Ed Wonder
“Photographing Dishes: Professional Advice for the Amateur” — Ric Evans
“Come On Over to My Place” — Daphne Durham
“Conversation with HLC” — Dave Conley

Grand Award: Joan Stock
Gold Award: Jerry Lefever, Joan Stock, Joy Wray
Silver Award: Dennis Erlston
People’s Choice Award: Dennis Erlston and Joan Stock (tie)
Best Dish Article: David Schaefer, “Fiesta and the Printed Page”
Homer and Shakespeare Award: Sandra Bond
President’s Award: Saarin Schwartz
Best Costume: Brian Cover
Raspberry Award: Gary Burg

Conference exclusive pieces:
Cobalt chop plate with gold Newell Bridge 100th Anniversary logo (for all attendees)
Centerpieces: Cobalt Monarch vase with gold Newell Bridge 100th Anniversary logo
Banquet Keynote Speaker:
Renee Stark, Merchandising Manager of Direct Marketing for General Mills, “Betty Crocker Meets Homer Laughlin”

Conference went to the heart of the city in 2005! The Hilton Pittsburgh is located in downtown Pittsburgh, giving attendees many restaurant and entertainment options within walking distance, and providing a high-rise vibe for the event. Organizers took advantage of the location and offered an optional riverboat dinner cruise on Friday evening. Thunderstorms and fog may have dampened the views, but it didn’t dampen the spirits of the dishers on board!
Two icons are most commonly associated with this year’s event: the new color peacock (it was everywhere, along with peacock feathers!) and the 100th Anniversary of the Newell Bridge, that well-known engineering marvel built by HLC that spans the Ohio River and connects East Liverpool with Newell. Just a few weeks prior to the Conference, HLC gave away commemorative bridge ornaments to customers who crossed the toll bridge over the July 4th holiday weekend, then HLC carried the theme over to the Conference exclusives. 
Guests at the mixer mingled with life-size cutouts of some of Pittsburgh’s barons of industry: Andrew Carnegie, Henry Heinz, and George Westinghouse.

This was the first year for the “Come On Over to My Place” seminar, where both long-time and new collectors shared photos of their dishes in their homes. One of the first presenters was Jeff Stout, who announced the creation of “The Dishography” during his program.

The HLCCA’s 1937 commemorative juice pitcher was unveiled: the Golden Gate bridge on shamrock.

Unique to this Conference was the “Fiesta Art on Art” competition, sponsored by HLC and the HLCCA. Students at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh were challenged to create art that integrated at least one image, shape, or likeness of a Fiesta item. More than 40 young artists entered the judged competition. Cash prizes were awarded for first, second, and third place and the artworks were auctioned off, with proceeds benefitting the Art Institute of Pittsburgh and the Dollars for Scholars Scholarship program.

- submitted by Kathy Holley and David Schaefer

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