HLCCA Features

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

HLCCA Board of Director Nominations Due by March 31st

Nominations for a position on the HLCCA Board of Directors are due by Tuesday, March 31, 2010. Nomination forms were included in the Spring 2010 issue of The Dish. If you (or someone you know) who would like to hold a seat on the HLCCA Board of Directors, please submit your nomination (or nominations) by the March 31st deadline. Nomination forms can be mailed to HLCCA, PO Box 721, North Platte, NE 69103 or faxed to (308) 534-7015. If nominating someone other than yourself, please contact the member you are nominating prior to submitting their name to ascertain they are willing and have the time to participate as a Board of Director. Nominees must be current HLCCA members in good standing. Also, any new Board member(s) elected should be available and able to attend the annual Board meeting, to be held on Thursday, July 15th in Nashville.

We look forward to seeing you all Nashville!

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