HLCCA Features

Monday, October 5, 2009

Fewer than 20 Red Stripe Mugs in Stock

There are fewer than 20 mugs left in the HLCCA store. Be sure to get yours! We're also re-ordering dinner plates and will have them back in stock soon.

UPDATE 10/8/09, 5:15 PM PDT: Only 10 mugs left in stock.

UPDATE 10/10/09, 5:06 PM PDT: Mugs are sold out!


~M said...

Will you let us know before you officially put the dinner plates up for sale? I want to be better prepared because I didn't get any the last time. Thank you. I just LOVE the Red Stripe!

HLCCA said...

We'll try to send an e-mail to HLCCA members 24 hours in advance like we did last time.

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