HLCCA Features

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Rest in Peace, Cinda Gambill

It is with great sadness that we share with you the news that our good friend Cinda Gambill has passed away. Cinda was one of the original officers of the HLCCA, and was instrumental in getting the club off the ground. She was also one of the original "hat ladies" and will be remembered and missed by her many friends. She was a warm and wonderful woman who loved her family, her friends, her animals, and her dishes. We will miss you, Cinda.

The funeral will be Monday, July 6th, and Cinda's final resting place will be in a beautiful, wooded spot in her home state of Indiana. We encourage you to leave comments, or share your memories of Cinda here. We will collect them and send them to her family.


Anonymous said...

Cinda was one the nicest people I've ever met. I remember meeting her for the first at the 2000 Conference. She made me feel so welcome. I remember that those of us without cars were to put our names on a list to get rides to the factory from those with cars. I was rather shy about putting my name down. Cinda saw me before I could put my name down (I had just about decided not to do it at all) and she told me not to bother because she would make sure I got there. I've never, ever forgotten that. She was always offering her help any time I needed it.
She was such a sweet and generous lady. I will miss her very much.


Joe and Michele said...

Cinda; what a nice lady. We will miss seeing her.

Judi Noble said...

Goodbye to a beautiful friend with an amazing smile and warm heart! I first met Cinda at the BEAjammie party, she had her most colorful jammies on, rollers in her hair and a green mud beauty cremed face. I was immediately attracted to her fun spirit. When I think of her I will always remember her wonderful smile. She may be gone but not from the hearts of many.

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