HLCCA Features

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What a DISH!

...and WHAT will YOU be wearing for the Conference 2009 Saturday Night Vintage Attire Contest? HLC Art Director Judi Noble has created a brand NEW award for this yearly HLCCA contest event.

Everyone registered to attend the annual Saturday Night Award Banquet during Conference 2009 will have a chance at winning this year's outrageous award -- this One-of-a-Kind Lemongrass "What a DISH!" Fiesta Carafe.

Simply dress up in your most glamorous, be-dazzled or outrageous vintage attire for the banquet and the best of show will be chosen by ballot Saturday Night during the banquet. See you at the Conference!!

(Photo credit: Judi Noble & David Schaefer)


MyBecca said...

Whoo! Is that lemongrass?

HLCCA said...

Yes, it is!

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