HLCCA Features

Monday, June 29, 2009

Last Call!!!

If you're attending the HLCCA Conference in just a few days and would like to be part of a fun photo game, we need your pictures now! This year's kick-off mixer is titled "Dishstock: Three Hours of Peace, Love, and Dishes" and it's a trip back 40 years to all the incredible events of 1969.

Can you contribute a picture of yourself in or around that year? We'll print and post the photos, then everyone can try to match up the images from the past with the people in the present. The 24 photos we've gotten so far are fantastic: we have beehive hairdos and pigtails, hippies and nerds, babies and Brownies, and a mom in a really cool bikini!

Please e-mail your images to Kathy Holley at p-kholley@sbcglobal.net no later than Wednesday, July 1st. Then be sure to check out everyone's photos as part of the fun at the Conference Mixer!

This blast from the past is shaping up to be a totally psychadelic, far-out, groovy happening. Peace, love, and dishes!

Kathy Holley

(As seen above in 1970: the girl most likely to collect dishes someday?)

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