HLCCA Features

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Introducing LEMONGRASS!!!

LEMONGRASS, the newest color of Fiesta dinnerware, was introduced today in Chicago, IL at the International Home & Housewares Show. LEMONGRASS is expected to be available this summer.

(Photo credit: HLC website)


The Accidental Mommy said...

Is it between sunflower and chartreuse? On my monitor it looks in between those 2 colors.
Any input on the squares? I thought it was a bad idea in print but in stores, I LOVE the bowls and mugs. Will it be expanded at all?

RainbowDishes said...

My first reaction was that it was a yellowish avacado (or even Turf Green) color. I really like it so far though!

According to the Homer Laughlin website, it won't be released until November, 2009. It sure would be nice if it was out this summer, it would be a great summer color.

Anonymous said...

That must have been an error (release date). It says summer this morning, and the press release isn't posted.

The Good Times said...

From a vintage point of view I really don't care what color they make the new in. I know I shouldn't be that way but really how many dishes does one need?

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