HLCCA Features

Friday, March 20, 2009

Embossed-Rim Mystery Plates

A recent blog visitor asked what we know about these embossed-rim plates, which she picked up at the HLC outlet a couple of years ago. She got them in Shamrock (above), Persimmon and Sunflower (see rim details below). The plates carry the standard HLC backstamp. A couple of Board members recall seeing these at the outlet as well, but we don't know their origin. Any thoughts, folks?

UPDATE 3/22/09: HLCCA Boardmember Jerry Lefever tells us that this shape is called Vintage, and is based upon a vintage HLC shape called Theme. It seems to be most commonly found in white; the origin of these colored-glaze pieces is not completely clear.

1 comment:

Pat K said...

Jerry, I knew if anyone knew, it would be you! I've always liked the embossing on Theme, and I really like these plates. Maybe I'll find some at the Outlet this summer at the Conference!

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